Самые страшные картинки в мире, Изображения по запросу Страшные картинки

Самые страшные картинки в мире

В данном случае речь идет о самой младшей девочке на первом фото. Скачать кадр из фильма ужасов. The existential longing , finally. Почтовая рассылка 0.

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Точно так же внушают оптимизм фотографии, которые Буртинский сделал в чилийской пустыне Атакама, где добыча лития сопровождается масштабными очистными мероприятиями - что позволяет надеяться на то, что рано или поздно литиевые батареи заменят в наших автомобилях двигатели внутреннего сгорания.

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Солнечная электростанция PS10, Севилья, Испания, г. Очевидно также, что Буртинский дорожит каждым обнаруженным им райским уголком, выжившим в этом мире. Недавно он фотографировал участки нетронутого тропического леса в Британской Колумбии Канада и девственные коралловые рифы в Индонезии. Коралловая стена в Пенге - редкий пример сохранности исчезающих по всей планете коралловых рифов.

Повсеместное обесцвечивание кораллов, в том числе и крупнейшего в мире Большого Барьерного рифа, оказывает значительное негативное влияние на биологическое разнообразие океанов и связано с подъемом температуры мирового океана. Коралловая стена в Пенге 1, Национальный парк Комодо, Индонезия, г.

От фотографий Эдварда Буртинского захватывает дух. В то же время они напоминают, что нет сейчас на Земле ни единого компонента окружающей среды, которому бы ничего не угрожало. Прочитать оригинал этой статьи на английском языке можно на сайте BBC Culture. Фото: страшные шрамы на теле Земли - дело рук человека. Вид из космоса на инженерные арт-объекты планеты Земля Мертвое озеро нашей технологической гордыни 10 главных проблем, которые встанут перед человечеством к году.

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Фотографии со СТРАШНОЙ историей ☠️

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10 scariest paintings according to Arthive readers | Arthive

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Добавить в коллекцию Нравится Сохранить на Pinterest. Добавить в коллекцию. Сохранить на Pinterest. DC Studio. Several pictures about the war from the voting list. Works on this topic will be among the top ten winners. And now the winners of the poll: 10 scariest pictures according to the Arthive readers , from the tenth place to the first:. The child is no longer with her , not in the world of the living — he too is wearing white robes symbolizing death.

Skinny woman with a sickle , though depicted leaning over the child , makes the impression of a very high: if she straightens — will not fit on the canvas , as do not fit in the picture in the whole height of the tree: death is certainly terrible , especially when it is for his victim prematurely , but still it is an integral part of nature , like the forest from which Death came out , into which she will take the baby and which is her size.

Death Janis Mikhailovich Rosenthal Rosenthals. The mournful sky. A field dotted with corpses that has no end. And silence.

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However , he failed to do so. Vereshchagin was badly scolded for this painting as well as for the entire Balkan series , which includes it. The reason was lack of patriotism. After all , instead of glorious victories of the Russian army , the artist , as usual , painted the abominations of war as such. Memorial service Vasily Vereshchagin. Then where did his heartbreaking images come from? Probably from his childhood. He was born in He was already a teenager during World War II.

There was another nightmare in his youth when he studied architecture and went to work on a construction site. By the way , about the above-mentioned Giger. The Arthive readers did not offer any of his work as scary enough for this vote.

Untitled Zdzislaw Beksinsky. In the top ten scariest paintings were two of his works and seven were nominated. The exact number of his works and this , apart from photographs , collages , drawings and sculpture itself is unknown. Francis Bacon. Portrait of Pope Innocent X. The painting , which captures an endless scream , an eternal and hardly explainable horror did Pope learn something terrible about God?

Art historians can tell you a lot about this painting. And about the rattling mixture of guilt and pain that fell on people in the post-war era.

And the oppressive atmosphere of the Cold War. The existential longing , finally. But Bacon himself used to describe his paintings as follows: " I try not to interpret my own works. But I like the power of the image.

Guillotined Heads. Quite often the style of Romanticism is confused with "romantic" images in painting and pastoral scenes. Still, it was a person with all the emotions and a rich inner world which was in the focus of attention of creators of all genres of the late 18th — early 19th centuries — from music to painting.

Read more. Romanticism replaced the austere Classicism in painting and brought something new with it: emotions, excitement, colours, and distinct expressiveness.

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Ken Currie. Gallowgate Lard Self-Portrait. Ken Currie is from Glasgow , Gallowgate is one of the city districts. The title of the painting , which took 4th place in the list of the most terrible ones , clearly points to some lard from Gallowgate. To paint the portrait , Ken Currie added beeswax to the oil paints — this is how both human skin and the horror of the person in front of this painting look more natural.

Ken Currie often paints himself in his creepy paintings , and then his interviewers well acquainted with the work of Currie , but not with himself begin their articles by describing how they suddenly found themselves facing the artist and recognized the prototype of his artistic nightmares. Ken Currie does not like to explain the meaning of his paintings. One day he even destroyed his painting after someone claimed that it clearly depicted the banking crisis.